
Why Was Writing Important In Ancient Egypt

  • Ancient Egyptian Baths

    History of Ancient Egyptian Baths

    Most people that lived in Ancient Egypt thought that staying clean was very important and they would use baths to make sure

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  • Ancient Egyptian Boats and Transportation

    History of Ancient Egyptian Boats and Transportation

    Ancient Egypt was a place that was known for the Nile River and this river was important for the daily life of the Egyptians.

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  • Ancient Egyptian Children

    History of Ancient Egyptian Children

    The children in Ancient Egypt were very popular and loved.  It was important that families had children, especially sons, so children

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  • Ancient Egyptian Craftsmen

    History of Ancient Egyptian Craftsmen

    Most Ancient Egyptian craftsmen were important to the community and they were trained to be skilled in what they did

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  • Ancient Egyptian Farmers

    History of Ancient Egyptian Farmers

    Farming was a very important part of life in Ancient Egypt.  Since most of the Ancient Egyptian cities were close to the Nile River

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  • Ancient Egyptian Pets

    History of Ancient Egyptian Pets

    Most Ancient Egyptians loved having pets.  Some of the pets included cats, monkeys, birds, dogs, ferrets, lions, tigers, cheetahs and more

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  • Ancient Egyptian Sports and Pastimes

    History of Ancient Egyptian Sports and Pastimes

    Sports is something that has been around, it seems, forever.  Even before there were recordings from historians, sports were important

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  • Ancient Egyptian Towns

    History of Ancient Egyptian Towns

    There were many different towns and cities in Ancient Egypt.  Many of these towns and cities were close to the Nile River

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  • Ancient Egyptian Toys and Games

    History of Ancient Egyptian Toys and Games

    Ancient Egyptians, just like children now, loved to play games.  Some games were made so that the adults could play them, but others were used

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  • Ancient Egyptian Wedding Customs

    History of Ancient Egyptian Wedding Customs

    People of all classes would get married in Ancient Egypt.  It did not matter if someone was poor or rich, they would most likely

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  • Ancient Egyptian Wine

    Wine making is something that was popular even in Ancient Egypt.  This was a drink that the Egyptians would make so that they could give them to rulers

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  • Egyptian Animals

    History of Egyptian Animals

    Ancient Egypt had a number of animals that were local to the area and that they used as pets, farming, transportation, food and fat for cooking and oil.

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  • Egyptian Clothing

    History of Egyptian Clothing

    Egypt has hot and dry weather because so much of it is a desert. The ancient Egyptians had to have clothing that was not too hot and allowed free flowing air to cool their bodies.

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  • Egyptian Daily Life

    History of Egyptian Daily Life

    Egypt is a dry, hot desert country and ancient life depended on the waters of the River Nile. The Nile was used for water to irrigate the fields and the main means of travelling and of transporting goods…

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  • Egyptian Families

    History of Egyptian Families

    Ancient Egyptians placed high value on their family life. They considered their children to be a blessing from the gods and so they took exceptional care of them.

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  • Egyptian Farming

    History of Egyptian Farming

    The ancient Egyptians had the ability to grow everything they needed to eat. Although Egypt is a desert, the Egyptians settled near the Nile River.

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  • Egyptian Food

    History of Egyptian Food

    When you look at the country of Egypt, you see large areas of dry hot desert. The Egyptians did have one thing going for them: The River Nile.

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  • Egyptian Furniture

    History of Egyptian Furniture

    Most people in the world are lucky enough to have land around them that grows trees. These cultures build all kinds of beautiful furniture using the wood from the trees.

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  • Egyptian Games

    History of Egyptian Games

    Civilizations and cultures around the world seem to share in the love of playing games. Some of the games in ancient Egypt were designed just for adults, but others were played by people of all age

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  • Egyptian Houses

    History of Egyptian Houses

    Almost all of Egypt is a desert, and in ancient Egypt they needed to use any fertile land for growing crops. This means that there weren't that many trees for building houses.

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  • Egyptian Music

    History of Egyptian Music

    Music was as important to the ancient Egyptians as it is in our modern society. Although it is thought that music played a role throughout the history of Egypt, those that study the Egyptian writings

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  • Egyptian Plants

    History of Egyptian Plants

    Egypt was and continues to this day to be mostly desert. The people of the area benefited from living close to the Nile River.

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  • Egyptian School

    History of Egyptian School

    Formal education in ancient Egypt was mostly reserved for the boys of wealthier families. Although there is some evidence that occasionally, girls did go to school and even became doctors.

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  • Egyptian Slaves

    History of Egyptian Slaves

    We might be shocked to think of slavery today, but in the time of ancient Egypt is was a common practice in many cultures and countries.

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  • Egyptian Women

    History of Egyptian Women

    Ancient Egypt had one of the most progressive civilizations for women. The culture believed that happiness and joy were the goals in life and that family and home were important.

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  • Why Was Writing Important In Ancient Egypt


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